In this article, we are going to see performance improvement in .NET8
As per Microsoft team .NET8 going to be released in November 2023.
.NET 8 is the long-term support (LTS) release, which means it will be supported for three years. This makes .NET 8 a better choice for developers who need long-term stability and support for their applications.
👉 .Net8 New features | Difference between .Net7 and .Net8
.NET 8 includes a number of performance
improvements, including:
- Tiering and
Dynamic PGO: Tiering and Dynamic PGO (profile-guided optimization)
are new features that can improve the performance of managed code by up to
20%. Tiering compiles code to multiple machine code representations, each
optimized for a different runtime scenario. Dynamic PGO uses profiling
data to optimize code at runtime.
// This code will be compiled to multiple machine code representations,
// each optimized for a different runtime scenario.
public int Fibonacci(int n)
if (n <= 1)
return n;
return Fibonacci(n - 1) + Fibonacci(n - 2);
// This code will use profiling data to optimize code at runtime.
public int Factorial(int n)
if (n <= 1)
return 1;
return n * Factorial(n - 1);
- Vectorization: Vectorization
is a technique that allows the CPU to process multiple elements of an
array in parallel. .NET 8 includes a number of vectorization improvements,
including support for new vector types and new intrinsics.
// This code will be vectorized to process multiple elements of the array in parallel.
int[] sum = new int[100000];
for (int i = 0; i < sum.Length; i++)
sum[i] = i + 1;
// This code will use intrinsics to process multiple elements of the array
in parallel.
int[] sum2 = new int[100000];
for (int i = 0; i < sum2.Length; i++)
sum2[i] = Vector.Add(new Vector(i), new Vector(1));
- Branching: Branching
is a common operation in code, but it can be expensive for the CPU to
perform. .NET 8 includes a number of branching improvements, including
support for conditional move instructions and new prediction algorithms.
// This code will use conditional move instructions to avoid branching.
int x = 10;
if (x > 5)
x = x + 1;
x = x - 1;
// This code will use prediction algorithms to predict which branch will
be taken and prefetch the necessary instructions.
int y = 10;
if (y > 5)
y = y + 1;
y = y - 1;
- Bounds Checking: Bounds
checking is a safety feature that prevents programmers from accessing
memory outside of the bounds of an array. However, bounds-checking can
also be expensive. .NET 8 includes a number of bounds checking
improvements, including support for eliding bounds checks for known-safe
// This code will elide the bounds check because the operation is known to be safe.
int[] array = new int[10];
int value = array[5];
// This code will use a new bounds-checking algorithm that is more
efficient for known-safe operations.
int[] array2 = new int[10];
int value2 = array2[5];
- Constant Folding: Constant
folding is a technique that optimizes code by replacing compile-time constants
with their values. .NET 8 includes a number of constant folding
improvements, including support for folding more complex expressions.
// This code will fold the constant expression and replace it with its value.
int sum = 1 + 2 + 3;
// This code will fold the more complex constant expression and
replace it with its value.
int sum2 = (1 + 2) * 3;
- Non-GC Heap: The
.NET runtime uses a garbage collector to manage memory. However, the
garbage collector can also be expensive. .NET 8 includes a new non-GC heap
that can be used to allocate memory that does not need to be garbage
// This code will allocate the object on the non-GC heap.
byte[] bytes = new byte[1024 * 1024];
using (UnmanagedMemory.Pin(bytes))
// Use the bytes array.
- Zeroing: .NET
8 includes a number of zeroing improvements, including support for zeroing
memory in parallel and support for zeroing memory without allocating a new
// This code will zero the memory in parallel.
byte[] bytes = new byte[1024 * 1024];
Parallel.For(0, bytes.Length, (i) => bytes[i] = 0);
// This code will zero the memory without allocating a new object.
byte[] bytes2 = new byte[1024 * 1024];
using (UnmanagedMemory.Pin(bytes2))
Unsafe.InitBlock(bytes2.Pointer, 0, bytes2.Length);
- Value Types: .NET
8 includes a number of value type improvements, including support for
larger value types and support for boxing and unboxing value types more
// This code will use a larger value type.
struct Point
public int X;
public int Y;
// This code will box and unbox value types more efficiently.
Point point = new Point { X = 10, Y = 20 };
int x = point.X;
- Casting: .NET
8 includes a number of casting improvements, including support for casting
between value types and reference types more efficiently.
// This code will cast between value types and reference types more efficiently.
object obj = 10;
int value = (int)obj;
- Peephole
Optimizations: Peephole optimizations are small optimizations that
can be performed on compiled code. .NET 8 includes a number of new
peephole optimizations.
// This peephole optimization will combine two instructions into one.
int x = 10;
int y = 20;
int sum = x + y;
In addition to these general performance improvements, .NET 8 also
includes a number of performance improvements for specific areas, such as:
- UTF8: .NET 8
includes a number of UTF8 performance improvements, including support for
decoding UTF8 strings in parallel and support for encoding UTF8 strings
without allocating a new object.
8 includes a number of ASCII performance improvements, including support
for encoding and decoding ASCII strings more efficiently.
- Base64: .NET
8 includes a number of Base64 performance improvements, including support
for encoding and decoding Base64 strings more efficiently.
- Hex: .NET 8
includes a number of Hex performance improvements, including support for
encoding and decoding Hex strings more efficiently.
- String
Formatting: .NET 8 includes a number of string formatting performance
improvements, including support for formatting strings in parallel and
support for formatting strings without allocating a new object.
- Spans: Spans
are a new type in .NET 8 that provide a more efficient way to work with
memory. .NET 8 includes a number of performance improvements for spans,
including support for copying spans more efficiently and support for
comparing spans more efficiently.
- SearchValues: SearchValues
is a new type in .NET 8 that provides a more efficient way to search for
values in a collection. .NET 8 includes a number of performance
improvements for SearchValues, including support for searching for values
in parallel and support for searching for values without allocating a new
- Regex: .NET
8 includes a number of Regex performance improvements, including support
for compiling regular expressions more efficiently and support for
executing regular expressions more efficiently.
- Hashing: .NET
8 includes a number of hashing performance improvements, including support
for calculating hash codes more efficiently and support for comparing hash
codes more efficiently.
- Initialization: .NET
8 includes a number of initialization performance improvements, including
support for initializing objects more efficiently and support for
initializing arrays more efficiently.
- Analyzers: .NET
8 includes a number of new analyzers that can help you identify and fix
performance problems in your code.
Overall, .NET 8 includes a number of performance improvements that can
make your applications faster. The performance improvements in