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Storage account types in Azure | Microsoft Azure Storage Tutorials | Microsoft Azure Storage Overview

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 Storage account types in Azure

In this article we will learn about Azure storage account types.
A storage account in Azure can be viewed as the container.

When you provision a storage account. You are asked to provide a unique name for that storage account. This is necessary because data within a storage account is accessible from anywhere in the world. That being the case, the storage account namespace must be unique across the Azure landscape.

There are several different types of storage accounts available. Each type offers different features, and each has a different pricing model.

So lets start with understanding on Azure storage account types.

Ø  general-purpose V2

Ø  general-purpose V1

Ø  block blob storage 

Ø  File storage 

Ø  blob storage 


Ø  general-purpose V2

Ø  general-purpose V2 storage account is a basic storage account that can be used, to host blobs, files, queues, and tables.

Ø  Microsoft recommends using the general-purpose V2 storage account for most scenarios that require Azure storage.


Ø  general-purpose V1

Ø  general-purpose V1 storage account is a legacy type account can also host blobs, files, queues, and tables. 

Ø  Microsoft recommends using the general-purpose V2 account instead.


Ø  block blob storage 

Ø  Block blob storage accounts offer premium performance for block blobs and append blobs. 

Ø   Block blob storage accounts are also a good choice for scenarios that require low storage latency.


Ø  File storage 

File storage accounts are exactly what the name says they are. They are files only storage accounts. Because they feature high-performance characteristics, Microsoft recommends using these kinds of accounts for enterprise applications or for high-performing applications.


Ø  blob storage 

Ø  The blob storage account is a legacy account that is used for blob only storage.

Ø  Microsoft actually recommends that, instead of using blob storage accounts, you use general-purpose V2 accounts

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