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Introduction to Blob storage | Microsoft Azure Storage Tutorials | Microsoft Azure Storage Overview

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Blob Storage in Azure

In this article we will learn about Blob storage account in azure.

Ø  Blob storage is an object storage solution in azure.

Ø  Blob storage allow us to store massive amount of unstructured data. Like text, video.

Ø  Generally, we use blob storage to host images or documents directly to a browser.

Ø  Blob storage also used for storing logs file, streaming video and audio.

Ø  Storing data for backup and restore for any disaster recovery, and archiving.

Ø  data that needs to be analyzed by some on-prem process or Azure-hosted process.


To access objects in blob storage, you can use HTTP or HTTPS. You can also access blob storage objects through the Azure storage rest API, through Azure PowerShell, through the Azure CLI, or through an Azure storage client library such as Java, PHP, .NET, or several others.

There are three types of resources that you should be familiar with when discussing blob storage.

Blob storage offers three types of resources:


Ø  The storage account

Ø  A container in the storage account

Ø  A blob in a container

The following diagram shows the relationship between these resources.

 Diagram showing the relationship between a storage account, containers, and blobs

Diagram showing the relationship between a storage account, containers, and blobs

The storage account creates the unique namespace in Azure that you use to access your data. When you access your data, you’ll use a combination of the storage account name and the Azure Storage blob endpoint that you are trying to access. Together, these two pieces form the base address for the objects that reside in the storage account.


For example, the URL that you see on your screen would be used to access blob storage in a storage account called MyStorage:



Containers within a storage account are used to organize the blobs within the account. You can view containers like directories in a file system. You can create an unlimited number of containers within a storage account, and each container can store an unlimited number of blobs.

There are actually three types of blobs that Azure storage supports. 

       Block blobs  store text and binary data.

       Block blobs are made up of blocks of data that can be managed individually.

       Block blobs can store up to about 190.7 TiB.


Append blobs are made up of blocks like block blobs, but are optimized for append operations.

       Append blobs are ideal for scenarios such as logging data from virtual machines.


Page blobs store random access files up to 8 TiB in size.

       Page blobs store virtual hard drive (VHD) files and serve as disks for Azure virtual machines.

 You can learn more on it from below link


You can learn same from below video

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