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Introduction to Azure Queues | Microsoft Azure Storage Tutorials | Microsoft Azure Storage Overview

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Azure Queue Storage in Azure

In this article we will learn about Azure Queue storage account in azure.

Ø  Azure Queue Storage is a service for storing large numbers of messages.

       Now these messages aren’t the type that you would normally think of. We’re not talking about emails or anything like that. Instead, these messages are used to facilitate communication between the components of distributed applications.

       When using Azure queue storage, you can access these messages from anywhere in the world through authenticated calls via HTTP or HTTPS.Server message block

The Azure queue service is comprised of several components. These include the URL format, a storage account, a queue, and messages.


To access a queue, you must do so through a specific URL format. The URL for a specific queue will include the storage account name and the queue name.

Queue Storage contains the following components:


Diagram showing the relationship between a storage account, queues, and messages.


URL format: Queues are addressable using the following URL format:


https://<storage account>.queue.core.windows.net/<queue>


The following URL addresses a queue in the diagram:

 Diagram showing the relationship between a storage account, queues, and messages.



Storage account: All access to Azure Storage is done through a storage account. For information about storage account capacity, see Scalability and performance targets for standard storage accounts.

Queue: A queue contains a set of messages. The queue name must be all lowercase. For information on naming queues, see Naming queues and metadata.

Message: A message, in any format, of up to 64 KB.

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