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Azure Storage data services | Microsoft Azure Storage Tutorials | Microsoft Azure Storage Overview

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Azure data Storage services

In this article we will learn about Azure data storage services ,and we will see introduction with all the services.

So lets start with understanding on Azure data storage services.

In azure storage we have 5 types of the services, and those are

Ø  Blob storage,

Ø  Azure Files,

Ø  Queue storage,

Ø  Table storage, and

Ø  Disk storage


Introduction to Blob Storage

Ø  Azure blob storage provides object storage for the cloud.

Ø  It support the Unstructured data like, text and binary data.

Ø  It is use to Writing to log files.

Blob storage resources

          Blob storage offers three types of resources:

·         The storage account

·         container in the storage account

·         blob in a container

The following diagram shows the relationship between these resources.

Diagram showing the relationship between a storage account, containers, and blobs

Introduction to Azure File Storage

Ø  Managed file shares for cloud  or on-premises deployments.

Ø  We can access Azure Files through the typical SMB protocol.

Ø  We can huge Azure file shares from Windows, Linux, and MacOS machines that reside both on-prem and in the cloud.

Ø  We can even cash Azure file shares on Windows servers, using the Azure file sync service.

Ø  This helps make data more accessible for remote offices.

Introduction to Table Storage

Ø  A NoSQL store for scheme less storage of structured data.

Ø   It offers a key/attribute store and a schema-less design.

Ø  The schema-less design of Azure table storage allows you to more easily adapt the data to the needs of your business or application.

Table storage contains the following components:

Tables storage component diagram

  • URL format: Azure Table Storage accounts use this format: 
    http://<storage account>.table.core.windows.net/<table>

    Azure Cosmos DB Table API accounts use this format: 

  • http://<storage account>.table.cosmosdb.azure.com/<table>

Introduction to Queue Storage

Ø  It is used to store large number of messages to communication between application components.

Ø  Such messages can be accessed from anywhere in the world through authenticated calls via HTTP or HTTPS.

Ø   Each queue message can be up to 64 KB in size.

Ø  A typical queue can contain millions of messages.

Queue Storage contains the following components:

Diagram showing the relationship between a storage account, queues, and messages.

  • URL format: Queues are addressable using the following URL format:

    https://<storage account>.queue.core.windows.net/<queue>

    The following URL addresses a queue in the diagram:


Introduction to Disk Storage

Ø  Azure managed disks are essentially block-level storage volumes.

Ø  These storage volumes, which are managed by Azure, are used, to provide storage capabilities for virtual machines.

Ø  A managed disk is much like a physical desk that you would see in an on-prem server.

Ø  There are several types of disks available in Azure.

Ø  They include ultra disks, premium SSD disks, standard SSD disks and standard HDD disks.

You can learn more on it from below link


You can learn same from below video

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